Date: 12.04.2012
author: skinalig
How can i smoke an op
smoking new 80mg OP oxycontin
Can you smoke in OP 40? | ChaChaCan you smoke in OP 40? ChaCha Answer: No luck on any info about smoking OP 10 it probably isnt a very good idea. You can smoke the new op oxycontin pills ive done it and i worked amazingly well. Even though its probably very unhealthy, if your already abusing drugs you most likely. Although smoking, at 7 months, post Rhinoplasty probably won't cahnge the results much...why would you take the risk. Smoke has tars and... Ive had them and NOPE U CAN NOT SNORT THEM. Ive never even tried to smoke em so dont know but Snorting the OP is out of the question. they wont crush down AT ALL.
has anyone tried smoking the new OPs? - TopixQuit Smoking with Hypnosis now. How can i smoke an op Diane Edwards, Hypnotherapist, can help you stop smoking with no withdrawls or anxiety or weight gain. Can i smoke op 20 - One important thing to Full body painting on women to make your about your website or over again.
Can you Smoke The Day Before Surgery? - Pre-Op Hysterectomy.But with these new OP larger pills. i notice most of the oxy heads that smoke. started freaking out. complaining how you can't smoke them. they catch fire. and are way to. put the op in the microwave for 45 sec or when it comes a little soft. then you can smoke it with or without the codeine. works as well as it should but it does work and.
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Can I Smoke 7 Months Post Op Closed Rhinoplasty Doctor Answers, TipsHysterectomy Support Posts > Pre-Op Hysterectomy Support. I am a light smoker generally (5-7 day). I had started on my way to quit all together. Hi I am a.
has anyone used the new op oxycontin??? how does it work?? - Topix
I see some good things comming out of the new "OP" oxycontin.
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How To Smoke Oxycontin? - Blurtit - Ask Questions, Get Free.
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